# Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. # For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license btnIgnore = Label for the Ignore button of the Spell Check dialog window. btnIgnoreAll = Label for the Ignore All button of the Spell Check dialog window. btnReplace = Label for the Replace button of the Spell Check dialog window. btnReplaceAll = Label for the Replace All button of the Spell Check dialog window. btnUndo = changeTo = Label for the Change To button of the Spell Check dialog window. errorLoading = Error message displayed when the spellchecker application service host cannot be loaded. ieSpellDownload = Error message informing the user that spell checker is not installed. manyChanges = Message informing the user that the spell checking process was completed, with multiple words changed. noChanges = Message informing the user that the spell checking process was completed, with no words changed. noMispell = Message informing the user that the spell checking process was completed, with no misspellings found. noSuggestions = Message informing the user that no spelling suggestions are available. notAvailable = Error message displayed when the spellchecker is not available. notInDic = Error message displayed when a word is not in dictionary. oneChange = Message informing the user that the spell checking process was completed, with one word changed. progress = Message informing the user that spell checking is in progress. title = Label for the Spell Check dialog window. toolbar = Toolbar button tooltip for the Spell Check feature.