# Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. # For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license armenian = Label for the Armenian numbering numbered list type option. bulletedTitle = Label for the Bulleted List Properties dialog window. circle = Label for the Circle bulleted list type option. decimal = Label for the Decimal numbering numbered list type option. decimalLeadingZero = Label for the Decimal leading zero numbered list type option. disc = Label for the Disc bulleted list type option. georgian = Label for the Georgian numbering numbered list type option. lowerAlpha = Label for the Lower Alpha numbered list type option. lowerGreek = Label for the Lower Greek numbered list type option. lowerRoman = Label for the Lower Roman numbered list type option. none = notset = Label for the list type option. numberedTitle = Label for the Numbered List Properties dialog window. square = Label for the Square bulleted list type option. start = Label for the Start field of the Numbered and Bulleted List Properties dialog windows. type = Label for the Type field of the Numbered and Bulleted List Properties dialog windows. upperAlpha = Label for the Upper Alpha numbered list type option. upperRoman = Label for the Upper Roman numbered list type option. validateStartNumber = Error message displayed when a numbered list does not start with a whole number.