# Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. # For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license alt = Label for the Alternative Text field of the Image Properties dialog window. border = Label for the Border field of the Image Properties dialog window. btnUpload = Label for the button that uploads the file to the server. button2Img = A message asking the user to confirm if one wants to transform an image button to a normal image. hSpace = Label for the HSpace field of the Image Properties dialog window. img2Button = A message asking the user to confirm if one wants to transform an image to an image button. infoTab = Label for the Image Info tab of the Image Properties dialog window. linkTab = Label for the Link tab of the Image Properties dialog window. lockRatio = Tooltip for the Lock Ratio icon of the Image Properties dialog window. menu = Label for the Image Properties context menu entry for an image. resetSize = Tooltip for the Reset Size icon of the Image Properties dialog window. title = Label for the Image Properties dialog window. titleButton = Label for the Image Button Properties dialog window. upload = Label for the Upload tab of the Image Properties dialog window. urlMissing = Error message displayed when a user attempts to add an image without giving its URL. vSpace = Label for the VSpace field of the Image Properties dialog window. validateBorder = Error message informing the user that the image border value must be a whole number. validateHSpace = Error message informing the user that the HSpace value must be a whole number. validateVSpace = Error message informing the user that the VSpace value must be a whole number.