# Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. # For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license button.title = Label for the Button Properties dialog window. button.text = Label for the Text (Value) field of the Button Properties dialog window. button.type = Label for the Type field of the Button Properties dialog window. button.typeBtn = Label for the Button button type option of the Button Properties dialog window. button.typeSbm = Label for the Submit button type option of the Button Properties dialog window. button.typeRst = Label for the Reset button type option of the Button Properties dialog window. checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle = Label for the Checkbox Properties dialog window. checkboxAndRadio.radioTitle = Label for the Radio Button Properties dialog window. checkboxAndRadio.value = Label for the Value field of the Checkbox and Radio Button Properties dialog windows. checkboxAndRadio.selected = Label for the Selected field of the Checkbox and Radio Button Properties dialog windows. checkboxAndRadio.required = Label for the Required field of the Checkbox and Radio Button Properties dialog windows. form.title = Label for the Form Properties dialog window. form.menu = Label for the Form Properties context menu entry for a form. form.action = Label for the Action field of the Form Properties dialog window. form.method = Label for the Method field of the Form Properties dialog window. form.encoding = Label for the Encoding field of the Form Properties dialog window. hidden.title = Label for the Hidden Field Properties dialog window. hidden.name = Label for the Name field of the Hidden Field Properties dialog window. hidden.value = Label for the Value field of the Hidden Field Properties dialog window. select.title = Label for the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.selectInfo = Label for the Select Info tab of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.opAvail = Label for the Available Options section of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.value = Label for the Value field of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.size = Label for the Size field of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.lines = Size unit caption (lines) of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.chkMulti = Label for the Allow multiple selections field of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.required = Label for the Required field of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.opText = Label for the Text field of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.opValue = Label for the Value field of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.btnAdd = Label for the Add button of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.btnModify = Label for the Modify button of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.btnUp = Label for the Up button of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.btnDown = Label for the Down button of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.btnSetValue = Label for the Set as selected value button of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. select.btnDelete = Label for the Delete button of the Selection Field Properties dialog window. textarea.title = Label for the Textarea Properties dialog window. textarea.cols = Label for the Columns field of the Textarea Properties dialog window. textarea.rows = Label for the Rows field of the Textarea Properties dialog window. textfield.title = Label for the Text Field Properties dialog window. textfield.name = Label for the Name field of the Text Field Properties dialog window. textfield.value = Label for the Value field of the Text Field Properties dialog window. textfield.charWidth = Label for the Character Width field of the Text Field Properties dialog window. textfield.maxChars = Label for the Maximum Characters field of the Text Field Properties dialog window. textfield.required = Label for the Required field of the Text Field Properties dialog window. textfield.type = Label for the Type field of the Text Field Properties dialog window. textfield.typeText = Label for the Text type of the Text Field Properties dialog window. textfield.typePass = Label for the Password type of the Text Field Properties dialog window. textfield.typeEmail = Label for the Email type of the Text Field Properties dialog window. textfield.typeSearch = Label for the Search type of the Text Field Properties dialog window. textfield.typeTel = Label for the Telephone Number type of the Text Field Properties dialog window. textfield.typeUrl = Label for the URL type of the Text Field Properties dialog window.