# Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. # For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license label = Label for the Format drop-down menu. panelTitle = Toolbar drop-down menu tooltip and WAI-ARIA label for the Format feature. tag_address = Label for the human-readable description of the address format. tag_div = Label for the human-readable description of the div format. tag_h1 = Label for the human-readable description of the heading level 1 format. tag_h2 = Label for the human-readable description of the heading level 2 format. tag_h3 = Label for the human-readable description of the heading level 3 format. tag_h4 = Label for the human-readable description of the heading level 4 format. tag_h5 = Label for the human-readable description of the heading level 5 format. tag_h6 = Label for the human-readable description of the heading level 6 format. tag_p = Label for the human-readable description of the paragraph format. tag_pre = Label for the human-readable description of the preformatted text format.