# Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. # For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license IdInputLabel = Label for the Id field of the Div Container dialog window. advisoryTitleInputLabel = Label for the Advisory Title field of the Div Container dialog window. cssClassInputLabel = Label for the Stylesheet Classes field of the Div Container dialog window. edit = Context menu entry text for Div container editing. inlineStyleInputLabel = langDirLTRLabel = Left to Right (LTR) language direction option text for the Div Container dialog window. langDirLabel = Label for the Language Direction field of the Div Container dialog window. langDirRTLLabel = Right to Left (RTL) language direction option text for the Div Container dialog window. languageCodeInputLabel = Label for the Language Code field of the Div Container dialog window. remove = Label for the Remove Div Container feature displayed in the Div container context menu. styleSelectLabel = Label for the Style field of the Div Container dialog window. title = Label for the Div Container dialog window. toolbar = Toolbar button tooltip for the Div Container feature.