# Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
# For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license

auto = 
bgColorTitle = 
colors.000 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #000 color.
colors.800000 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #800000 color.
colors.8B4513 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #8B4513 color.
colors.2F4F4F = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #2F4F4F color.
colors.008080 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #008080 color.
colors.000080 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #000080 color.
colors.4B0082 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #4B0082 color.
colors.696969 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #696969 color.
colors.B22222 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #B22222 color.
colors.A52A2A = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #A52A2A color.
colors.DAA520 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #DAA520 color.
colors.006400 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #006400 color.
colors.40E0D0 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #40E0D0 color.
colors.0000CD = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #0000CD color.
colors.800080 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #800080 color.
colors.808080 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #808080 color.
colors.F00 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #F00 color.
colors.FF8C00 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #FF8C00 color.
colors.FFD700 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #FFD700 color.
colors.008000 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #008000 color.
colors.0FF = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #0FF color.
colors.00F = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #00F color.
colors.EE82EE = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #EE82EE color.
colors.A9A9A9 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #A9A9A9 color.
colors.FFA07A = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #FFA07A color.
colors.FFA500 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #FFA500 color.
colors.FFFF00 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #FFFF00 color.
colors.00FF00 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #00FF00 color.
colors.AFEEEE = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #AFEEEE color.
colors.ADD8E6 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #ADD8E6 color.
colors.DDA0DD = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #DDA0DD color.
colors.D3D3D3 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #D3D3D3 color.
colors.FFF0F5 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #FFF0F5 color.
colors.FAEBD7 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #FAEBD7 color.
colors.FFFFE0 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #FFFFE0 color.
colors.F0FFF0 = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #F0FFF0 color.
colors.F0FFFF = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #F0FFFF color.
colors.F0F8FF = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #F0F8FF color.
colors.E6E6FA = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #E6E6FA color.
colors.FFF = Tooltip with a human-readable name for the #000 color.
more = 
panelTitle = 
textColorTitle =